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Predict group games and playoffs

The obvious choice for those interested in sports! If you follow the tournament and want to compete all the way to the final, you should choose to predict the outcome on both the group stage and the play-off.

Here you can change your predictions until the start of the game and take in the latest news before you decide. Of course, you can also predict the outcome on the entire group game directly. You can start with the playoffs when it is set which teams will play each game.

How do i enter my predictions?

You simply enter your prediction for the games in the scoresheet that you find in each group you participate in. You specify what games will end at full time (90 min + stoppage time), for example that Sweden wins 2-1 against Denmark. This applies to both the group stage and the finals. Goals scored during any extra time and penalties should not be included in your prediction.

If you want to enter your prediction before each game, you can also enter it in the game feed, which shows today's and upcoming matches. Here you enter by clicking on "enter your scores".

The scoresheet consists of three parts:

- Group play

- Playoffs

- Questions

First, you predict the results for each group that is in the tournament. The group's table is generated when you save your results so you then have the opportunity to easily correct the results before moving on.

When it's time for the playoffs, you can also enter your prediction on these games. You can enter you predicted score on a playoff game when it is set which teams will meet. And remember - only you can change and edit your scoresheet!

In addition to entering your prediction on the games, you also have some questions related to the tournament. These questions can both give significant points, as well as become deciding questions if some in your group end up with the same final score.

Point distribution

You will receive the points immediately after Sofacup registers the final score of a game, which is often immediately after the game is over. If you get a question right, you get these points when the tournament is over.

To beat your friends, of course you need to collect a lot of points, this can be done in two ways:

- By predicting games

- By answering the questions correctly

For games, the following applies:

- Three points if you hit the right 1X2 in the game. If the game ends in a tie and you have guessed X, you get three points.

- If you also manage to score the correct end result in the game, you are awarded three more points. If you predict 2-1 to Sweden, which is also the result, you also get these points.

In total, you can get 6 points per game, but of course you can also lose if luck is not with you.

Then you can also score important points for the questions you answer in your scoresheet. These points give you the opportunity to make the final sprint to win the group! There is also an elimination question here that determines the winner if you are several users who end up with the same final score.

You can find the distribution of points for these questions most easily in your group under the menu option "Rules".

The playoffs

You enter your prediction for the outcome of the playoffs in the same way as the group stage, i.e. the result after 90 minutes plus stoppage time. It is therefore possible for matches to end in a tie even during the playoffs.

Goals scored in any extra time and penalty shootout should not be included in your prediction.

Points will be awarded in the same way as in the group stage, 3 points are awarded if you mark the correct winning team and 6 points are awarded if you mark the correct result.

Manage and copy

How long you can change and refine your scoresheet depends on the settings in your group, you can see which deadline exists inside the group and under "Rules".

You can either enter your prediction until the tournament starts or you can change your scoresheet all the way until the game starts, check your group for more information!

Predicting group games only

Not everyone wants to follow the entire tournament day by day, which is completely understandable. Then there is the option to predict the outcome on all games before the tournament starts and only join in the group stage. When the group stage is over, your competition in the group is also coming to an end.

With this preference in the group nobody risks losing points, it is enough to enter the service once and fill in their predictions to participate in the competition!

Copy scoresheet

If you are in several groups, it is easy to reuse your scoresheet - which you can do through this function.

''Copy scoresheet'' copies all group play games and questions from one group to another. Only matches and questions that are possible to enter in are included, so it is not possible to edit your scores through this function after the deadline has passed. You can find which deadline applies in your group under "Rules" under the group information.

Note that when you copy a scoresheet, any existing scoresheet and answers you have entered will be replaced in the group. So you should only copy if you are not already satisfied with your current scoresheet.

Shared final score in the group

Two or more people can of course end up with the same score when the tournament is over, if this happens a winner will be chosen based on the deciding question. If, against the odds, it's still tied, you share first place.

In some tournaments we have premium groups in which sometimes a winner must be chosen or find out who got a top position, then we will take further steps to find out the correct position. It will then be done according to the steps below in descending order:

1. Most points in the group

2. Almost right in the result question

3. Most 6-pointers (i.e. the person who has hit the correct result the most times)

4. Most 3-pointers (i.e. the person who has hit the right winner the most times)

5. Lottery

Auto results

Auto result is a tool that you can use to help you enter the predictions for the games. Instead of going through each game in the group stage yourself and all the questions and entering the result, you can use auto result that fills in the result for you - quick and easy!

If you use auto result on your scoresheet, you will be able to enter at a level that suits you best. There is a level for everyone - from people who like to play it safe to people who like to take bigger risks! The results in your scoresheet will be based on the level you choose.

You can of course go in and change the results and questions after you have used the auto result. You can also change the level if you are not satisfied with the predictions and want to check if another level fits you better.

If you have filled in results or questions in your scoresheet before using the auto result, these will be overwritten - so only use auto result if you are not satisfied with your scoresheet.

Auto result - levels

There are four levels to choose from in our auto result tool, so everyone should find a level that suits them well!

- Simon says:
You play it safe and trust that the users who are part of Sofacup (which of course you should!). This level is based on all the predictions that are registered in Sofacup and then selects the team that most people think will win each game and checks the median for how many goals the teams score in each game. If you use Simon says, we can guarantee that you won't lose - but is it enough to win?

- Best team wins:
If you choose this level, you rely on statistics and how FIFA ranks the national teams. There is no room for brawling here and the best ranked team will win each game - no exceptions. That is of course not always the case, football is decided out on the field but this level should be seen as fairly safe and the points will probably trickle in at a good pace.

- Feeling lucky:
Of course, it can be nice not having to overanalyze every game and pit teams against each other, brawls in football are common after all. This level suits you who does not want to sit with the drawing pad and analyze, you take the day as it comes. Winning teams and final results will be randomized, which makes your scoresheet unique!

- The Rebel:
As the name suggests, you are a bit of a rebel if you choose this level. Here you don't believe in statistics or experts - but go your own way and bet exactly against everyone else. The level is the opposite of "Simon says". The risks are high and it is quite doubtful if you will win your group with this level - but what if you do! Then you can walk away with the flag held high and just enjoy the fact that you defeated all the TV and sofa experts.